I have the privilege to be a part of a very wonderful camp for abused and neglected kids called Royal Family Kids Camp. Next Friday, the 13th, we are holding a gospel sing as a fundraiser for this very special camp. This will be our first year to do this and I am organizing a team of singers made up of counselors and staff members to sing during donation time. Well.. the song we have chosen to sing is the song by Chris Tomlin, Amazing Grace/My chains are gone. While we sing, a slideshow of camp kids and camp moments will be playing in the background. What a perfect message for the whole purpose of this camp. At RFKC we teach them that God loves them no matter what and they are a part of God's family. NO matter what people say or how much they have been neglected. NO matter what they have done, God loves them. He extends them a grace that reaches far beyond their circumstances. Through this grace, this freedom, their chains are loosed and they are set free. As we prepare for camp, we pray these children will experience God's amazing grace, his amazing love. I pray that this song will help others to catch that vision that we have for these children. That God's grace reaches beyond their circumstances and saves them from a life of sadness and neglect.
Another cool story.. I've experienced this same release.. I have been praying and praying over something that I want very much for myself. I worry over it and try to fix it myself and it was starting to drive me crazy! I responded to an alter call on Sunday night. I knew that it would take something bigger than I to be released from these anxious thoughts. this trying to control my destiny. Like my favorite bible teacher Beth Moore said, We are not responsible for the how, we are responsible for the what. What is it that we are willing to obey God in.. once we obey and follow after him, he will take care of the how. A very dear friend of mine was at the alter praying with me for a release and I finally god it! She gave me the visual of putting this situation.. into a beautiful jewelry box and locking it up with a key and putting that box along with that key at the foot of the cross.. at that point… it's in God's hands. I've had a few comments today about how happy and giddy I've been.. well.. my chains are gone.. I feel a release from my worries.. It's the most amazing feeling. Praise you Lord! I can hardly wait to see what he has in store…