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Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Expert

I was watching fox news last night and they had a body language expert on. When I flipped thorough she was analyzing Nancy Pelosi and her interview about the 3 republican wins in recent elections. She was saying it was all good, when actually, according to the body language expert, she was not. The expert was zoning in on every move, every tone and every way that she darted her eyes, moved her head and stiffened her neck. It was fascinating. Maybe I should become a body language expert.. my life may be a little easier. Knowing how to read people could be a huge blessing and save me a lot of time and heartache with people..however.. It may be the biggest curse ever!! I may read too much. Think about it.. what would the world be like if everyone was a body language expert?! Yikes!! I wonder if Obama would have gotten into office.. I wonder if we would be embracing Islam or admiring and worshipping so many celebrities. I wonder if we would get hurt as much or be as scarred. I guess the Lord didn't give us this natural ability for a very specific reason. Or.. If I could turn it off and on for certain people and certain occasions.. that would be great! Just let your imagine run now.. and have a great day!

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