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Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I feel chunky. I don't like it. It's the middle of summer where I want to wear skinnier clothes and bathing suits, but I just don't feel confident enough to do so. Boo! You know, it's really my own fault. I could definately be more disciplined, but I have a hard time with that sometimes. I love food and it loves me. I also blame the big 3 0 for this problem. Something magical seemed to happen last July when this number became my age. I really do think that I eat healthy a majority of the time but for some reason.. (probably due to the fact that I sit at a desk all day and don't make up for it in excercise) this weight is being extra stubborn. Jason works really hard when he diets (I also hate that word diet). I know that I can be better at following his example, but I also know that I want it to be more about developing a healthier lifestyle than majorly cutting down what I eat. I know that takes more time and I'm willing to give it time. (I think). The major motivator... pictures. Chunky pictures. NOT a fan.

Ok, thanks for letting me vent.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Phillipians 4:13

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