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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

the red carpet

I was inspired by this simple way of counting your blessings- with a theme! It was written by Courtney of women living well . I did, however, insert my own list of things I am thankful for. I love watching the academy awards and I'm pretty interested with all things celebrity. I can tell you what the gossip magazines said before I can tell you what Fox News or CNN said- sad, but true. This is a wonderful way of counting your blessings- Academy Awards style..

(this is Courtney's part)
The Academy Awards are this weekend.

It’s the famous ones who walk the red carpet.

It’s the honored ones who walk the red carpet.

It’s the beautiful ones who walk the red carpet.

It’s the talented ones who walk the red carpet.

It’s the wealthy ones who walk the red carpet.

It’s the gifted ones who walk the red carpet.

And I…I am about to walk the red carpet!

Every morning, I walk the red carpet right up to my sink where I rinse the morning dishes.- (I , Christa, actually have a red carpet at my sink as well)

Christa's part~

I am honored to have a husband who loves, honors, and respects me.

I am beautiful in the eyes of the Lord, living out his will for my life as a wife and lady of our home, as a minister to the prescious children at church , and as a daughter of the king.

I am wealthy on the red carpet, for many in the world do not have a sink with running water in their kitchen. We have a roof over our heads and cars to get around in.

I am gifted on the red carpet – gifted with the riches of God’s grace that come through my faith in Christ Jesus his son.Gifted with the talents and skills that God has given me and with friends and family whom I love and love me in return.

There is no greater honor than the red carpet walk I do every morning in my kitchen.

Join me, as you step up to your kitchen sink – in welcoming a joy that the world cannot understand.

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