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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Prayer= Action

Ok. So I had the girls over for bible study last night and we had a great great session with Beth Moore. We talked about faith. WOW!! My session notes were covered with extra notes that jumped out at me. I don't have my book in front of me to relay everything, but I will try and remember a few things that she said.
Faith is fighting the devil. We don't have to listen and agree with what he throws at us. Who are you agreeing with? If you are agreeing with the devil, you are agreeing with lies. He wants nothing more than to destroy you, but it's all through his words. He actually has very little power to actually do anything, he's all talk.
Prayer springs God into action, when we pray the throne of God creaks as he moves into action. Isn't that powerful!! Some things only happen because of prayer. When you get down on your knees and pray, you make the four points of an alter with your two knees and your two feet. That's all you need! I wish I could remember everything she said.. I may have to go over my book again and update tomorrow. =) These things I have shared today obviously especially stood out to me. OH!! She also talked about a bible study leader who challenged her group to write their petitions out on a notecard. She then instructed them to ask for this need to be met just once and then every time after that, thank God for meeting that need. Wow!! What faith! I want faith like that. What an inspiring woman. Never go to God without giving him thanks for the things he has already done. It will stir up your faith and serve as a reminder of his faithfulness. Praise God.
I can't wait to see what God does next. I am committed to being a throne creaker!!
Oh.. and one more thing I am excited about... the women's pastor here at First Assembly was asking for women to write letters and cards of encouragement to the women of the inner city neighborhood that our church ministers to each Saturday. I felt particularly prodded to do this. I then realized it would be a great idea to give the names and addresses to the girls in my bible study. They were enthusiastic about it and each took a name or two to encourage. We prayed over them. I am so excited.. this is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to get going in my bible study.. outreach. I would like to do even more! Praise God for giving me that idea!

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