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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

life lately..

 I've been a little slow in posting these days.. I don't want to miss a moment of this wonderful transition that we're in. Here are some highlights from February until now.

My valentine and I had so many things we wanted to do for Valentine's day, we split them up into two nights. Funny story.. Jason ordered those beautiful tulips (pictured above) to arrive at my work on Valentines day.. Well.. abbout 5 min. after I got home that day, Jason was like.. "so you didn't get your flowers today.." Nope! Another 5 min. passes.. he got a call from the florist saying they were behind and wanted to know what time my workplace closed.. oops!! Too late buddy. Needless to say.. I eneded up getting my flowers the day after Valentine's day. He felt so bad! There was absolutely nothinghe could do about it. That  night we had dinner at Jason's favorite steakhouse- Re Rico Brazilian Steakhouse. It's one of those places they keep bringing meat~ total man joint!

After dinner we  took a stroll through the mall~ it was way too cold for a walk outside. Jason pulled out a beautiful ring with a sapphire stone.. It looks a lot like Kate Middleton's engagement ring~ LOVE IT~ love her! Once we were home, Jason got his gift. I couldn't resist getting him something special related to the baby. He's all about having his daddy's girl, so the red "I love Daddy" onesie seemed to be the perfect fit. He loved it! I also framed a prego pic of me with "We love You" written across the bottom. I figured he could change out the pic as Annalise grows and always have a pic of his girls in there. ;)
 That Saturday night we extended our Valentine's celebration and ate at our favorite restaurant in Branson~ "The Worman House" The first time we ate there was on our Honeymoon. It will definately always be a favorite.. not only for the food, but for the sentiment as well.
 We both got a snow day so we used the bonus day off to work on getting Annalise's room ready for her arrival. Jason did a second coat of paint and I worked on giving the antique dresser we bought  a facelift.

Ta Daa!! Doesn't it look much better? So girly! I'm in love with the glass knobs. They look like roses~ makes me happy.

Week 22. She's grown so much! I am finally feeling her move around and her kicks are getting stronger and stronger. It's such an amazing feeling. I have heard that I will miss feeling her in there once she's born~ I totally believe it.

I've been working on a baby quilt for Annalise's room. I'm loving how it's turning out, but it's been one of the most frustrating/ trying craft projects i've ever done. Jason stepped in with his mad measuring skills to get me over a large hurdle~ I love him so.

I've been having a blast buying little girl clothes and I'm very proud of myself.. it's mostly been consignment. I will definately have to hold myself accountible.. I have a weakness..

I found these today.. got a great deal~ non consignment. Too sweet!
I saw this quote today and it made me think of just how special/important/ valuable it is to be a parent and to do it God's way. I want to be a parent with purpose and be a godly example to my daughter. Jason and I have a book of prayers and blessings that we read every morning. It's geared toward praying God's word over your child. We are loving it. There is so much power in prayer. I have absolute faith that God is working in Annalise.. even now.

1 comment:

Jennifer Goodwin said...

Love, love, love this post! I miss you so when you don't post. Looks like Feb. has been a great month...I'm sure March will be, too!

Love you much and miss you, my friend! We're getting ready to go on another camping trip tomorrow...I'll be out of touch from Thursday till Sunday. WooHOO! I love being out of touch. :)