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Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I recently read this article and it was completely inspiring. No, I don't have kids yet but this word can be applied to so many different areas.  I am totally guilty of trying to keep up with the Jones'. I am a prime catch  in the performance trap and the comparison game. My cues.. my calling.. what fits my husband and I and our someday kids should be from God. He knows exactly who I am and what fits me. He knows my specific needs and giftings. 

Lord, I pray this word sinks in deep and I will live by YOUR standards for me, not the standards of others. I pray that I would keep my eyes fixed on your face and my ears attuned to your voice.  Thank you for speaking to me through other god-fearing women. http://2betterthan1but3wow.blogspot.com/2012/10/living-life-of-excellence-that-fits-you_19.html


Today, there are all sorts of roles a woman can have, some woman like to have many roles at one time. Today, you must choose whether to work outside of the home or not. Then if you do choose to do that, you have pressure from yourself and others to be home with your child, so you carry guilt. If you choose not to work outside of the home, you may have pressure from yourself and others to bring in an income, so you carry guilt.

As far as your responsibilities are concerned, even the formerly simple task of feeding your child has become a source of guilt and stress. All of the food choices, do you make your own baby food, do you go organic, is my child going to have allergies? Even diapers are guilt ridden, do you go with cloth or disposable and if so which kind.

Oh ladies, Stop- stop listening to all of the voices around you, especially the one that tells you to keep up with the Jones’. You only have three voices that matter,

  • First, God’s voice what does he want for you and your family.
  • Your husbands-pray first and ask God to speak wisdom through him (this works even if he is not a believer yet).
  • Last but definitely not least, is the one inside of you, your instincts are usually right for your family, but again PRAY to hear correctly.
I recommend that you listen in that order as well.

Once you eliminate some of the other voices and become content with the choices that you make through the guidance of the process above, then you will find peace and you will know your roles and responsibilities , leaving you with the ability to focus on taking care of your family. Not on how to do it, just doing it.

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