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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

entertaining the littles

We went to Silver Dollar City with two cuties last Saturday.

Jason's cousins, Hailey and James, spent the night with us.
I am amazed at how brave they were. They rode every single ride they were tall enough for. I wouldn't even get near those rides when I was their age.
James's favorite- The Tom and Huck adventure playground.
of course they had to get toys
the angry bird was at his side at all times
yes, Jason is wearing my necklace. He's very confident in his manhood. I had to remind him he still had it on for the picture. ~ We had a great day and we slept like babies that night.


Jennifer Goodwin said...

Y'all are adorable...and those littles...oh my goodNESS! Precious! Y'all will be fun parents...I just know it. Love you!

Christa said...

Love you too!! We had a blast with those sweet babies.