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Thursday, July 30, 2009


Ok. I am almost embarrassed to share this, but I must be super ready to have a man because I keep having these dreams. Maybe it's because I have been obsessing over the Bachelorette that has a lot of affection and dating in it, but I don't know...

I have been having dreams (all with different guys- one was Brad Pitt!!) and in the dreams I am a couple with these guys and I am so infatuated with them and craving their affection. They usually give me some, but not as much as I'm needing. Any psychologists out there who can help me figure out my inner soul? It's like a magical switch that has been turned on recently that's causing me to think about all of this more. I’m content, but it's like something deep down that just won't shut up! If I'm going to continue to feel this way.. I need a man soon!! Alright God, I know you are working. I trust you!

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