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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Friend People

I've recently been hit with a particular thought. When you are a friend person, and when people in your life that used to trust you and allow you to be there for them, no longer do, it's like a slap in the face. See, I am the kind of person that has no evil intentions towards people. My thoughts and my intentions are purely to love others and help them through their struggles. When those former close friends start to reject your help and bottle it all up it's like cutting out a piece of me. It's painful! This is an area that I struggle in; in realizing that their distance has nothing to do with me, but their own struggles. Sometimes all I can do is pray. When you are an action oriented (words of affirmation, gifts, cards, hugs) kind of friend, it's really really tough to sit back and just pray. But saying "Just Pray" is wrong. Prayer is one of the most powerful tools we have as Christians. It is my own human flesh that makes me desire all those extras. Maybe this is something I need to ask God to help me in. As giving to, loving on, and serving others is a large part of me, I just have to remember that there is always another side, always going to be someone that struggles in a way that I can't understand. I can't always be there and truthfully, not everyone will always want me to be. That is something that I must come to terms with. I am thankful that God is teaching me this lesson.

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