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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Stick with the Plan

This is SO where I am at right now. About three months ago I felt God telling me "Three Months" I had no idea what that meant,but that timeframe was a recurring theme.. Well.. God has opened several doors in my life, One to move out of the house into an apt. with another girl, and another to start a bible study and step out of a ministry that I have been involved with at chruch. sometimes we have to step out of the boat to receive the blessings that God has for us. One door can't be opened until the previous door is shut.. Here is a passage I got from my dear friend Jennifer yesterday. The timing coulden't have been more perfect...

Then Peter got... out of the boat, walked on the water... toward Jesus.
Matthew 14:28-29 NIV
Peter proved that as long as you keep your eyes on Jesus and stick to the plan, you won't go under. Notice:
(1) Before you get into something, make sure it's God's will for you! Peter said, "Lord, if it's You, bid me to come to You on the water" and Jesus said, "Come." Before you take on something like water-walking, pray and be sure God's in it. In other words, get God's plan and stick to it. (2) Don't expect everybody in the boat to go with you. Water-walking is a lonely calling; it sets you apart from those who are timid and security-minded. It also tends to bring criticism from those who think you're making them look bad by contrast. (3) If you wait for good weather you'll miss your moment. When Jesus said, "Come," they were in the middle of a storm. Face it; we'd all like the stars to line up, or some big donor to underwrite the whole project before we make a move. But how often does that happen? Peter wasn't walking on the water; he was walking on the Word! What has God told you to do? Stop waiting for ideal conditions and start doing it! (4) Don't expect a mistake-free performance. Nobody walks without fluctuation. The Bible describes its heroes in one sentence: "Whose weakness was turned to strength" (Hebrews 11:34 NIV). All the great men and women of God you admire go through sinking spells when they cry out, "Lord, save me." And do you know what? He does! And He'll do the same for you.


Jennie said...

Keep walking toward Him. Don't look down and don't be afraid because He is right there. I love you!

The Nickel Family said...

I love this!
