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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Refined for Excellence

I just want to say how blessed I am to have some pretty amazing women in my life as friends. I just got done reading my friend Laura's blog and the women oozes with God's love. I can't tell you how thankful I am to be in such amazing company. These women: Candice, April, Jennifer, Laura.. the list goes on and on.. are true gems who reflect God in all that they do. That is what I strive to be.

I have been reading a book by Priscilla Shirer called a Jewel in His Crown: Becoming a woman of Excellence. I have only read one chapter and I'm already inspired. In this Chapter, Priscilla highlights several women, who are Jewels in God's crown. She talks about how amazing these women are, but they aren't amazing out of nothing. They too have struggled and been in need and experienced things just like the rest of us. For example, Elizabeth Elliot, she had her heart broken. She only loved one man, Jim, and she waited about 5 years to marry him. During that time she kept herself pure and loved no other. It was only a month and ½ after they were married that he was killed in the jungle. Look at her life! She could have let tragedy bring her down, but she kept on and formed a ministry that has led 100's of people to the Lord and inspired women and men alike to live their lives to the utmost.

Wow! Hardship only refines the jewels that we are. Through hardship we are made more clear, more beautiful and more valuable. Not only that, but we are able to withstand so much more. I want to be a woman like that.


Jennifer Goodwin said...

aw, Christa, I love you!!! You're an amazing woman of God yourself...don't ever think otherwise!!! I loved our lunch and cannot wait for more tomorrow night!

Jennifer Goodwin said...

Oh yeah, and LOVE the new face of the blog!!! Now it's even more fun!!

Laura said...

hey beautiful lady.
thank YOU for being such an incredible woman of God. :) you are an inspiratin and HUGE encouragement.
I love you like a sister.
and I'm praying for you and your beautiful heart!!!